(SER-AL-005) Mobile Composite Squadron
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Cadet Orientation Flight Requirements - GLIDER

MINIMUM Required Training:

  • Aircraft Ground Handling Course

Log into eServices at http://capnhq.gov/

In the left-side menu, select:  Online Learning

In the pop-up menu, select:  Learning Management System

At the top of the page, click "Go To AXIS"

Under the "Course Catelog" tab, locate "Aircraft Ground Handling Training" Complete the training.

*  This course MUST be renewed every 2 years. If you have previously completed this course, MAKE SURE IT WILL NOT EXPIRE PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED FLIGHT DAY. If it will expire, re-do the course.

  • Wing Runner Course (provided by Soaring Safety Foundation)

*  If you have previously completed this course, MAKE SURE IT WILL NOT EXPIRE PRIOR TO THE SCHEDULED FLIGHT DAY. If it will expire, re-do the course.

1.)  Cadet must be under age 18. (Cadets over 18 may participate in paid glider flights, if time and resources allow.)

2.)  CAP Uniform of the Day (UOD), as directed in communications leading up to the scheduled flight day.

3.)  CAPID If you have not received your hard-copy ID, you may print one from eServices.

4.)  An unexpired certification in eServices:  Aircraft Ground Handling Training

5.)  An unexpired certification in eServices:  Wing Runner Course

6.)  CAPF 60-80

7.)  CAPF 160

8.)  CAPF 161

9.)  Snacks and Water, also recommend Chewing Gum

10.)  Sunglasses (the sun is a lot brighter when flying)

11.)  Sunscreen

12.)  Lunch and Snack Money (as directed)

13.)  Camera (recommended, not required)

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